The three semesters are held as follows:

  • Spring semester: Usually on Martin Luther King Weekend (unless it conflicts with the Epiphany Feast, then it will be the weekend after the Epiphany)
  • Summer semester: Memorial weekend
  • Fall semester: Labor Day weekend.

Program Requirements

  1. College Degree
  2. History of church service
  3. No criminal history
  4. No active or recent psychological problems
  5. Time commitment, availability, and dedication.
  6. Attendance of onsite meetings at St. Stephen Christian Retreat & Conference Center in Titusville, Florida
  7. Familiarity with the use of computers (email etc.) since most of the course work will be done long distance
  8. Legal resident of the USA or Canada

The application Process

STEP 1: Online Application 

Submit the online program application form.

STEP 2: Letter of Recommendation

Submit online the 3 recommendation letters (1 letter from the father of confession and two letters from another priest, professor, friend, acquaintance etc.)

Note: Cannot be from a family member

Click here to apply!

STEP 3: Phone Interview

Participate in a phone interview upon completion of program application and all 3 recommendation letters.

After the above steps, submissions will be reviewed for completeness by the FMP Committee.

If the applicant is approved, an “Acceptance Letter” will be e-mailed to the student allowing her/him to register for the semester courses.