“Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock” 1 Peter 5:2-3
Lead by example.
Follow the FMP code of ethics.
The FMP syllabus of the different courses as it is listed on the FMP website is the approved copy by His Grace Bishop Youssef. The program is open for any ideas to enhance the quality of education contingent on the approval by His Grace Bishop Youssef.
The FMP is a Coptic Orthodox program. Any teaching or intervention in counseling that conflicts with the teaching of the Bible, the Church, or the Church tradition is not acceptable.
Accommodate the three levels of students:
Level 1: graduates with outstanding performance
Level 2: graduates of FMP
Level 3: attendants.
Recognize that students have been screened, and all are professionals with families and work responsibilities. Unrealistic expectations such as expecting them to function as doctoral students can discourage many, especially those attending for personal enrichment.
Have a positive regard, confront with love, support and challenge students to help them grow in a healthy Christ like direction.
The policy of turning in assignments is as follows:
All course assignments must be completed prior to the start of the following semester
Unforeseen circumstances may be evaluated on individual basis.
8. Conference calls should be limited to a focused 1 hour and the goal will be to answer student’s questions regarding assignments, reading material, and other questions related to the course.
9. Students grades should be e-mailed individually.
10. Create an atmosphere that encourages students to grow and mature in our Lord Jesus Christ. The characteristic of acceptance is seen throughout the New Testament. Our Lord gave worth to people, and thus helped elevate their sense of self worth. His compassionate relationship with the people to whom He ministered was the foundation of His approach.
11. This is a service. If you elect to provide individual counseling to any of the students or their families you cannot charge a fee. You are not obligated to provide counseling , but if you choose to provide such a service, you should not accept or request compensation.
His Grace Bishop Youssef