Counseling 16: Crisis and Trauma Counseling

Instructor: Sahar Awad, M.D.

Course Description:
This course is designed to help the enrollees to learn how to handle daily
unwelcome surprises and life changing events. Will equip the person with step by step actions
to use in the face of the serious life challenges. When people are faced with various live events,
it causes one to feel powerless and vulnerable. Is there a way to be prepared to tackle a
catastrophe. What should someone do in the face of a trauma. How can we become resilient
and stronger in the face of an always changing life.

Required Text:
1) Needed: When it feels like the sky is falling, by Norman Wright


2) Optional: Crisis & Trauma Counseling, by Norman Wright


6 assignments one every other week 15% each
Final assignment 10%

Course Objective​​: To learn how to bring comfort to those who need it when they need it. When to talk and when to be silent. What is crisis. Ways to handle death, loss and suicide.

Grading System:

A    (4.0) > 95 Indicate excellent work of consistently high standard

A-  (3.75) 90-94 Indicate excellent work of consistently high standard

B+ (3.5) 85 – 89 Indicate good work above satisfactory level

B   (3.0) 80-84 Satisfactory performance

C+ (2.5) 75-79 Unsatisfactory performance

C   (2.0) 70-74 Unsatisfactory performance

D+ (1.5) 65-69 Unsatisfactory performance

D  (1.0) 60-64 Unsatisfactory performance