Home Phone 248.629.5152, Cell Phone 248.762.6748,
Course Description: This advanced course will allow students to apply counseling skills they have previously learned. The purpose of this course is intended to help students by allowing them regular practice and supervision of their counseling abilities. By doing so, students will gain a better awareness of how to handle multiple cases/problems more efficiently. This course will also increase student’s knowledge of their counseling weaknesses and strengths.
Course Objective:
Upon completion of this course, students will be more comfortable with counseling others both in a personal and social capacity. Students will learn, practice and receive supervision and feedback about their skills.
Required Text:
- The Helping Relationship (Process and Skills) Lawrence M. Brammer (8th addition)
- The Art of Helping (Lauren Littauer Briggs)
- Additional Reading Material: Bible, verses related to Christian counseling will be assigned and practiced. Additional articles assigned by Instructor. Case scenario’s related to all forms of addiction and mental health.
- Reading Assignments: Students to read 1 chapter each week as assigned.
Weekly practice sessions:
- Students will practice skills for 30 minutes each week via phone or internet.
- Students will alternate practice both being the helper and helpee as assigned.
- Students will be assigned a practice partner for the semester.
Final Exam:
Student will prepare a 30 minute practice session video with a partner. In this video, student must demonstrate these counseling skills:
- Use of Empathy
- Reflective Statements
- Use of Silence
- Use of Paraphrasing
- Use of Interpretation
- Clarification and Leading questions.
-Practice Partner will rate the Helper based on the above skills. (Written Assessment)
- -Instructor will grade video session and give feedback to students.
- -Helper will describe their session experience and identify their strong skills while also addressing skills they need to work more on. (Written Assessment)
Course Requirement:
- Weekly Practice Sessions: 30% of Grade
- Self Assessment Paper 20% of Grade
- Final Exam/Written Assessment: 50% of Grade
- Students must be present for all practice sessions, on site teaching and Have Final Exam on due date.
Extra Credit available on a case by case basis.