Application Process, UncategorizedApplication Form Posted on February 27, 2017February 27, 2017 by isakla Application FormSemester Applying for *Spring 2024Summer 2024Fall 2024First Name *Last Name *Date of Birth *Address *Street Address *Apt, Suite, Bldg (Optional) City State / Province / Region *Postal / Zip Code *Country *Cell Phone *Email *Marital Status *MarriedSingleWidowedDivorcedYears in USA / Canada *Degree(s) , Graduation Year & Institution *Church Name *City *State *Name of Father of confession *Role(s) in Church service *Duration of Church Service *Please explain how spiritiuality affects family ministry or counseling *What is your definition of counseling? *Please list any lectures/conferences you have attended or books that you have read that pertain to counseling *How do you think that others perceive you? *Explain briefly how you would address a brother/sister in the church suffers from continuously falling in the same sin *Why do you want to enroll in this program? *Give brief biographical history Describe your strengths/weaknesses *What are your goals in life? * VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: isakla Courses Counseling 07: Addiction